Mobile App PTRA / Pilot Study - Phospho-Tof-RA

Mobile Applications are an area where we have seen strong expansion and have made a significant progress in last couple of years. Our apps are also integrated with back-end systems (e.g. CRMS) and providing better patient engagement where patients are actively participating in data provision and are able better to track the progress of their illness. PTRA App is just one example how this close interaction works and delivers results. App enables remote monitoring of patient medication intake and also submits their joint counts to an external RA database so progress of their disease could be easily followed for the duration of the study. App was built in both native (iOS and Android) and PWA (progressive web application) technology and can be used on any device, mobile or desktop. All three app developments (iOS, Android, and PWA) are currently archived after a successful 2-year deployment.

Previous: BIOT mobile app